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Energy Masters Courses at Department of Engineering



Welcome to our Nuclear Energy Masters Course, take a look at our Course Video

All About the Nuclear Energy Masters


Visits for 2023-24 Academic year included

Romanian Research Reactor Visit - June 2024

After several weeks spent working independently on our dissertation projects, the Nuclear Energy MPhil cohort eagerly gathered at the Cambridge train station for what promised to be an exciting trip to Romania’s Institute for Nuclear Research. Founded in 1971 and located  northwest of Bucharest, the INR supports the Romanian nuclear program. In addition to the manufacture of CANDU fuel elements and reactor components for Romania’s two reactors at Cernavodă, two TRIGA reactors and a suite of hot cell labs enables the Institute’s ongoing contributions to nuclear research.

After a day of travel (and some excellent sandwiches in the taxi), we were welcomed warmly to the facility the next morning for a safety briefing and introduction to the INR. Our hosts then led us on a tour of FCN Pitesti, an on-site fuel production plant operated by Nuclearelectrica. Each year, FCN manufactures nearly 12,000 bundles of CANDU fuel for use in Units 1 and 2 at the Cernavodă Power Plant. Both robotic and manual manufacturing processes came to life before our eyes as we witnessed the production of zirconium cladding materials from start to finish. We were thoroughly impressed by the precision of the punching machine, the glow of the fuel elements as they were brazed with a beryllium alloy, the carousel that lined cladding tubes with graphite lubricant, the welding of fuel assembly end plates, and the careful inspection of assembly geometry and dimensions prior to preparation for shipment.

Following our morning at the fuel factory, we spent the afternoon in the INR’s hot cell facilities. Researchers not only gave us the opportunity to try our hand at using the robotic arms used to manipulate materials inside of the hot cells, but also demonstrated several techniques used in their labs. We were shown images of irradiated fuel pellets under a microscope, identified surface defects in CANDU fuel cladding using eddy current defectoscopy, and used mass spectrometry to analyze the composition of fission gases released into the void volume of a fuel element.

The next morning, our second day at INR began with an introductory lecture regarding their reactor operations. Having both an annular core pulsing reactor (ACPR) and a 14-MW steady-state reactor (SSR) in the same reactor pool, we were excited to tour the facility and observe an operating reactor. Arriving at the reactor facility, it was the moment we had all been waiting for – the pulse. By rapidly ejecting control rods from the core, a single pulse from the ACPR can generate high fast neutron fluences for experiments. The cohort was collectively mesmerized by the blue glow of the Cherenkov radiation, watching wide-eyed as charged particles swirled through the reactor pool faster than the speed of light. In addition to our admiration of the ACPR pulse, INR scientists also demonstrated the use of the steady-state reactor for experimentation. We watched as they loaded a “rabbit” containing a gold foil sample into an experimental channel of the reactor. Following the irradiation of this gold foil, we used gamma spectroscopy to measure the neutron flux in the reactor.

Beyond our amazement at watching concepts from our course come to life and the technical content of our visit, we also shared many conversations regarding the political and societal landscape of nuclear power in Romania. Never ones to be all work and no play, I am also thrilled to report that the MPhil students came out on top as the ultimate victors of a high-stakes pool tournament between the students and staff.

Finally, I must note the great thanks that are due to our gracious hosts for their time and effort in ensuring we had a fruitful visit to their facility. In these final months of our course, it was a great, hands-on opportunity to synthesize all that we had learned.

Audrey Miles, NE MPhil Student




Hinkley Point C - May 2024

First Light Fusion/Culham Centre for Fusion Energy - January 2024

Sizewell B - January 2024

Westinghouse Springfields - December 2023



Applications are open from 4 September for 2024 intake

Apply through the Postgraduate Admissions website



Whilst updating our alumni pages we came across a new start-up - Alectro formed by Bertie Ivory-Peters and Tim Geller


In 2019, Bertie and Tim founded Alectro, a SaaS platform providing carbon emission insight to organisations. Alectro helps to analyse and interpret data ranging from the electricity used to the coffee people drink, and helps companies and organisations to supercharge their sustainability strategies. Our Virtual Sustainability Officer™platform provides the company and employees with the tools they need to successfully deliver a comprehensive net-zero strategy.

At the end of 2020, we received VC funding from a London-based venture capitalist firm to develop our platform further and have since been expanding rapidly. We currently have over 30 clients, in three continents, ranging from 300-year-old societies to UK hydrogen fuel cell production companies.

“The MPhil gave us the deep technical skills to tackle industry-leading problems and was a great footing when speaking to investors as they recognised that the academic rigour that the course required would put us in a great position moving forward. Most importantly, the course allowed us to interact with other course members in a range of disciplines, such as the debating exercise where we had our first project together. Without the course, we would not have started Alectro.”


Introducing Adam Davies and Jamie Edwards, our Course Scholars for 2021-22


"The University of Cambridge’s MPhil in Nuclear Energy is proving to be an immensely fascinating experience for me and was made possible by the generous course scholarship.  Prior to enrolling on the MPhil, I graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a BSc in Physics with Meteorology. During my degree, nuclear science resonated with me due to its relevance to nuclear disarmament and climate change mitigation. The MPhil programme’s holistic engagement with the science, technology, and policy issues surrounding nuclear energy seemed uniquely well-aligned with the interests I had developed as an undergrad.  Since joining, I’ve relished the chance to dive deep into the field and explore a wide range of topics, from the intricacies of reactor physics and engineering to the nuances of nuclear safety and security. The variety of modules is proving essential to scoping out any future path I may wish to pursue, be it transitioning into a career through the department’s partners in industry or preparing for a PhD.  The course scholarship covers over half the college/accommodation fees for home students, alleviating much of the financial pressure and enhancing the accessibility of this astounding programme. I’d strongly encourage anyone with an interest in nuclear energy to apply to the programme and the accompanying scholarship!"

Jamie Edwards said "I am very privileged to be one of the two course scholars of the 2021/2022 academic year on the Cambridge Nuclear Energy MPhil course. The industry supported scholarship was the key factor in my ability afford a masters course. Without the scholarship, I wouldn’t be at Cambridge studying nuclear energy. The value of the scholarship is enough to cover the majority of your university maintenance fees as it is paid to your college at the beginning of Michaelmas term.
Given the close ties with the course and its industry partners, you are given the opportunity to meet people from the companies who are supporting you in your studies and even undertake your MPhil project with them. If eligible, you should definitely apply for the scholarship, you could be surprised!"


Visit to Westinghouse Springfields - December 2021

What a great way to end the Michaelmas Term with an enjoyable and educational visit to Westinghouse Springfields.  We spent the evening before our visit in Blackpool!  We are extremely grateful to our hosts at Westinghouse Springfields for such an informative visit.


Prize Winner 2020-21

Congratulations to Simon Billiet, alumnus from the 2020-21 NE MPhil Course. Simon was awarded the J.D. Lewins Prize for the highest marks in the examinations. Congratulations again, Simon!

Simon is pictured with Prof Geoff Parks (Acting Course Director for the NE MPhil Course 2020-21).


Alumnus wins Best Student Paper Award

Congratulations to alumnus Joseph Kalyan Raj I., on receiving the 2020 Power and Energy Forum Best Student Paper Award from the Aerospace Power Systems Technical Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

Joseph was an NE MPhil student with us during the academic year 2016-17. His paper entitled “Development of a Deep Space Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP) System – a NuAER Plasma NEP Reactor” was co-authored by Joseph’s MPhil Project supervisor, Dr Geoff Parks.

Many congratulations to Joseph on this achievement.


Course Social

The NE MPhil students who are currently in Cambridge enjoyed afternoon tea at Jesus College at our first course social for this academic year.  Let's hope we can organise a few more outdoor socials now that the sun is shining!



Course Scholar for 2020-21

When beginning the Nuclear Energy MPhil at the start of October, I didn’t know what to expect, no one did. Throughout a year plagued with lockdowns and restrictions, I was not anticipating normal lectures or the chance to meet classmates and staff. But despite these obstacles, this academic year has been a fantastic experience.  The opportunity to make new friends and to be a part of in person teaching has been invaluable.

The Nuclear Energy scholarship means a lot to me. It has afforded me this experience and has made my time at Cambridge unforgettable. The feedback and support from staff has been top notch, and I can’t wait for what is yet to come!

Latest news

Women in Wind Global Leadership Program 2024-25

5 March 2025

In order to advance the role of women as agents of change in society and promote best practices within the wind industry, the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) partnered with the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) to launch the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program in 2019. Lalitha Priyadharshini...

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