After graduation from Cambridge in 2015, Tingyu Qu went back to Hong Kong as an A-Level Maths/Physics tutor for eight months and then found an opportunity to work as a research assistant at The University of Hong Kong in Robotics Designr.
In the beginning of year 2017, he went back to my home town, Shenyang, China and worked as a research intern at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Flexible Carbon-Nanotube Electronics. From September 2018 he will be in Singapore and study at the National University of Singapore as a PhD student in Condensed Matter Physics.
Since graduating Naval Nuclear Power School, Prototype training on the MTS-626 training nuclear power plant, and Submarine Officer Basic School, Margaret Gilroy reported onboard a Submarine, the USS Michigan (SSGN-727), home-ported in Bangor, Washington. She is currently on her second deployment in the Western Pacific, and served as the Electrical Division Officer for 13 months before becoming the Quality Assurance Officer and Assistant Engineer, my current roles on board. Margaret said “I love getting underway on Naval Nuclear Power and most especially enjoy driving the ship from the bridge on the surface and teaching new officers about nuclear power.”
“I also got married in March of this year to Asa Hope, my now husband, who I met while studying at Cambridge. He lives there currently, so I enjoy visits to Cambridge whenever I can make it for a visit, and I look forward to moving back to England permanently in a few short years to start my life as a civilian!”
Guanze He is currently in his first year of a DPhil course in Materials in Department of Materials, Oxford University. His research is mainly about the microstructuralanalysis of corrosion and irradiation damage of cladding zirconium alloys, which is still quite nuclear related. Guanze stated "The lectures I took at Cambridge gave me a wide scope of view of the nuclear industry, which I find helpful during my current research."
Samuel Wu is currently doing an internship in Nuclear Engineering Department, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. His section is working on six main areas, namely: workforce planning; nuclear training and SAT; nuclear leadership; stakeholder involvement; management system and quality assurance. "Right now I am in charge of the Management System SharePoint site and leading the project of developing the new Digital Hub and helping to organise an agency international conference in Korea next year." confirmed Samuel.
Since the end of the NE MPhil Course Kathleen Schaidle (née Mullen) first moved to Charleston, SC, where she completed Naval Nuclear Power School and follow on training at the Nuclear Power Training Unit. She also graduated from the Submarine Officer Basic Course in Groton, CT (this is the required training pipeline for U.S. Submarine Officers). Upon completion of training Kathleen received orders to the USS TEXAS (SSN 775), a Virginia Class attack submarine homeported in Pearl Harbor, HI. She moved to Hawaii in the early Summer of 2017. After completing her tour on the TEXAS she served as an instructor of Naval Nuclear Engineering and water chemistry in Pearl Harbor from 2020-2022. She currently works at the Protocol Office at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.
Kathleen married Matthew on July 23, 2016 in Annapolis, MD. They are looking forward to welcoming their first child, a girl, in October 2022!