Assessment and Mark Scheme
Taught Element:
Some courses will be assessed with coursework (2000-4000 word reports), some with examinations (typically of 1.5hr duration papers).
Two options will be given, "short" (10,000 word reports) and "long" (20,000 word report), to accommodate students wanting to take more courses (short) or those wanting to do a more substantial research project (long). Assessment will be based on the dissertation itself and on the marks given to two oral presentations, one interim and one final, both followed by "question and answer" sessions, which are valued at 20% of the total mark of the dissertation.
Each course is given a "credit", either 0.5 or full (1). The short option of the dissertation is valued at 4 credits, the long option at 6 credits. A total of 16 credits is needed for graduation (i.e. 12 courses + short dissertation, or 10 courses + long dissertation).
Following the marking structure of CUED Part II courses, each course is marked out of 60. The marks from all courses will be added. The dissertation's mark will be weighted accordingly to the mark value of each credit (i.e. short dissertation: 4x60=240 marks; long dissertation: 6x60=360), giving a total maximum possible number of marks of 960. A total of 576 (60%) is needed to pass the MPhil. Students need not pass in each individual course taken, but they must pass the dissertation. Marginal failures will be dealt with individually by the Examiners. Distinctions may be given to excellent performances and the Rolls-Royce Prize and the Examiners' Prize may be given to top ranking students.