Introduction to the Course.
The world faces major challenges in meeting the current and future demand for sustainable and secure energy supply and use. The one-year MPhil programme in Energy Technologies is designed for graduates who want to help tackle these problems by developing practical engineering solutions, and who want to learn more about the fundamental science and the technologies involved in energy utilization, electricity generation, energy efficiency, and alternative energy.
It is expected that graduates from this MPhil will be excellent candidates for PhD (at Cambridge and elsewhere) and for employment in a wide variety of jobs (Research and Development industrial departments; policy making bodies; utilities; manufacturing sector; energy equipment manufacturers and many more).
The course is centred around taught courses (core and elective), mainly offered by CUED with significant input from other Department at Cambridge, and a research project that is chosen from a list offered by members of staff and linked to the principal areas of energy research in the respective Departments.
For further information please contact the course director.
Email: energy-mphil-enquiries@eng.cam.ac.uk
In 2018 the course received C.Eng. accreditation by the Energy Institute. To find out more about this click here and scroll down to the 'search for an energy course section'.