Those who managed to present in person are photographed, the remaining students presented at the Dissertation Conference online (due to Covid times)
Simon Billiet After graduating from the MPhil, Simon went back to Belgium to work at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) as a Research Project Leader in the fuel materials expert group. His work involves research on nuclear fuels and project management of irradiation experiments in the Research Centre’s test reactors, collaborating with many international stakeholders in the nuclear fuels industry. The role has both a scientific and an industrial aspect, as it is encouraged to share knowledge obtained from the research projects through publications.
“Through the MPhil programme I was able to learn a large amount of nuclear expertise and have a good preparation in very diverse topics of the nuclear field in a short time. This has enabled me to perform the work I’m doing now and I hope to use this experience to contribute to nuclear community.” Said Simon.
Simon was a prize winner from the course for gaining the highest mark in his exams.
As of 2022, Houzhi Liu is doing a DPhil in Materials at the University of Oxford. She is working on the environmental degradation of austenitic alloys in nuclear power plants using high-resolution microscopes. Before completing her MPhil in Cambridge, she obtained her BEng in Nuclear Engineering and Technology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. ‘The NE programme allowed me to learn the background knowledge of nuclear energy, and also provided me with the chance to get familiar with this research community. During the year of Covid, lots of support, help and care were offered by the NE staff, for which I am very grateful.’
Here is a picture of Houzhi working with her favourite colleague – a JOEL ARM-200F Atomic Resolution TEM.