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Energy Masters Courses at Department of Engineering



May 2015 - present: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Turbomachinery Research Fellow

Feb 2014 - April 2015: Research associate working with MHI

2009 - 2014: PhD Candidate in Engineering (Turbomachinery), Jesus College, Cambridge

2007-2009: Consultant at Arthur D. Little

2002-2006: BA(Hons) and MEng in Thermofluid Engineering, Jesus College, Cambridge


Sam's current research focuses on using experimental and CFD techniques to study off-design compressor performance and unsteady flows in gas turbine exhaust ducts.

Sam's PhD thesis investigated the effect of circumferentially uniform and non-uniform bleed air extraction on compressor performance.


Key publications: 

Grimshaw, S.D., Pullan, G., and Hynes, T., 2015. Modelling Non-uniform Bleed in Axial Compressors. Paper to be presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Montreal. Recommended for publication in the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery

Grimshaw, S.D., Pullan, G. & Walker, T., 2014. Bleed-Induced Distortion in Axial Compressors. Paper presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf. Recommended for publication in the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery

Teaching and Supervisions


Sam supervises Cambridge Tripos Papers 1A: Mechanical Vibrations, 1B: Mathematical Methods and 3A3: Thermofluids II

MHI Turbomachinery Research Fellow at Girton College

Contact Details

Whittle Laboratory
1 JJ Thompson Avenue
01223 339 882
Not available for consultancy


Collaborator profiles: 
Person keywords: 
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics