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Energy Masters Courses at Department of Engineering



I joined the Whittle Laboratory as a MHI University Lecturer in Turbomachinery at the beginning of 2010.

Previously I was a University Lecturer in Thermofluids and (acting) Director of the Rolls-Royce University Technical Centre in Aerothermal Systems at the University of Sussex Thermo-Fluid Mechanics Research Centre .

Before Sussex I held the WW Spooner Junior Research Fellowship at the Osney Laboratory (Southwell), at the University of Oxford where I also completed my doctoral studies and read Engineering Science.


I am currently involved various turbomachinery research projects. Much of my current research is concerned with the flow and heat transfer within the internal or secondary air systems of industrial and aero propulsion gas turbines.

Teaching and Supervisions

  • 3A6 Heat Transfer
  • 4A3 Turbomachinery 1
  • Flow Visualisation EAA
  • Examiner IB Paper 4 - Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics
Not available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Heat Transfer
Energy, transport and urban infrastructure
Fluid Mechanics