Dr Ivor Day received a PhD degree from Cambridge in 1976. After working in industry for eleven years, he returned to the Whittle Lab as a Research Fellow funded by Rolls-Royce. Apart from the supervision of PhD students, his work has been predominantly experimental, concentrating on problems which are not yet amenable to CFD analysis. Ivor has many publications, awards and patents and is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. Now semi-retired, Ivor is an Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College.
1972: Charles Rylott Foster Scholarship
– for exceptional achievement in MSc Degree.
1977: American Society of Mechanical Engineers "Gas Turbine Award 1977"
– for paper on rotating stall in axial compressors.
1978: IMechE "George Stephenson Research Prize"
– for paper on the structure of rotating stall cells.
1993: American Society of Mechanical Engineers "Gas Turbine Award 1991"
– for paper on stall inception and active control.
1999: American Society of Mechanical Engineers “Gas Turbine Award, 1997”
– for paper on stall inception in axial compressors.
2005: American Society of Mechanical Engineers “Gas Turbine Award 2004”
– for paper on low emissions combustion.
2006: American Society of Mechanical Engineers “John P Davis Award 2004”
– for paper on low emissions combustion.
2006: American Society of Mechanical Engineers “Gas Turbine Award 2005”
– for paper on rain ingestion.
2006: Rolls-Royce, “Sir Henry Royce Technical Awards: Best Patent Award”
– for patent of new combustion chamber.
2009: IGTI, Turbomachinery Committee “Best paper Award”
– for paper on Highly Loaded Compressors
2012: IGTI, Turbomachinery Committee “Best paper Award”
– for paper on Stall Warning
2012: American Society of Mechanical Engineers "Gas Turbine Award, 2012" - for paper on origins of spike stall.
2015: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, "Scholar Award, 2015" - for paper on stall and surge research.
Axial Compressor Stall
Combustion Instabilities
Tidal Power Generation
Rain Ingestion
1. Day, I J and Cumpsty, N A "The measurement and interpretation of flow within rotating stall cells in axial compressors" I Mech E, Vol 20, No 2, 1978
(Detailed measurements reveal the flow structure inside a stall cell and make possible a new model of stall cell behaviour.)
2. Day, I J, Greitzer, E M and Cumpsty, N A "Predictions of compressor performance in rotating stall" Trans. ASME Journal of Engineering for Power, Volume100, pp 1 – 14, 1978
(New correlations are presented for predicting the performance of axial flow compressors when operating in rotating stall.)
3. Day, I J "Stall Inception in Axial Flow Compressors", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Volume 115, pages 1 - 9, January 1993
(Describes the discovery and importance of short length-scale disturbances in the stall inception process.)
4. Day, I J "Active Suppression of Rotating Stall and Surge in Axial Compressors", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Volume 115, pages 40 - 47, January 1993
(Describes the first successful suppression of short and long length-scale disturbances in the active control of stall and surge.)
5. Camp, T R, Day, I J, "A Study of Spike and Modal Stall Phenomena in a Low-Speed Axial Compressor", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Volume 120, pp 393 – 401, July 1998.
(A new model is proposed to explain the type of stall inception mechanism observed in a particular compressor.)
6. Scarinci, T, Freeman, C, and Day, I J. “Passive Control of Combustion Instability in a Low Emissions Aeroderivative Gas Turbine”, IGTI 2004, GT2004-53767. Accepted for publication in ASME Journal of Engineering for GasTurbines and Power.
(Describes the invention, development and testing of a new fuel/air mixing device for stable combustion under low NOx conditions.)
7. Day, I J, Williams, J C, and Freeman, C, “ Rain Ingestion in Axial Flow Compressors at Part Speed”, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Volume 130, pp 011024-1/10, January 2008.
(Maps the behaviour of water in a compressor and quantifies the loss of delivery pressure, and the increase in torque, associated with water ingestion.)
8. Dickens, T, Day, I. J. “The Design of Highly Loaded Axial Compressors”, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. Volume 133, pp 031007-1/10, July 2011.
(Analytical and computational investigation of high stage loading showing clearly, for the first time, that higher loading implies higher losses.)
9. Young, A. M., Day, I. J., and Pullan, G. “Stall Warning by Blade Signature Analysis”, Presented at ASME Turbo Expo, June 2011, Vancouver. Paper GT2011-45850. Accepted for publication in ASME Journal of Turbomachinery.
(Experimental study of the use of pressure measurements for stall warning showing, for the first time, the existence of pre-stall radial vortices in the tip-clearance gap.)
10. Pullan, G., Young, A., Day, I., Greitzer, E. and Spakovsky, Z. "Origins and Structure of Spike-type Rotating Stall". ASME Turbo Expo, Copenhagen, GT2012-68707.
A combined experimental and computational work showing the involvement of radial vortices in the stall inception and propagation processes.
11. Day, I.J., "Stall, surge and seventy-five years of research." ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal, GT2015-44109.
Critical review of seventy-five years of research on the topic of stall and surge.